Anne Carson: Ecstatic Lyre
edited by Joshua Marie Wilkinson

University of Michigan Press (Ann Arbor, MI) | February 2015
Reviews: "The contributions are as groundbreaking and unusual as Carson’s work itself...which creates a most appropriate accompaniment to the work of one of the most enigmatic of artists." --Choice
"Though rigorous in their examination of Carson's work, the contributions are unabashedly poetic, channelling their subject's innovative style." --Times Literary Supplement
Also reviewed on Rain Taxi.
Thirty-two essays on Anne Carson's work and an unpublished interview with Anne Carson
Jessica Fisher on Anne Carson's Stereoscopic Poetics
Dan Beachy-Quick and Martin Corless-Smith on Eros The Bittersweet
Brian Teare and Virginia Konchan on Glass, Irony and God
Timothy Liu on Short Talks
Christine Hume, Kristi Maxwell, and Jennifer K. Dick on Plainwater
Harmony Holiday and Bruce Beasley on Autobiography of Red
Graham Foust and Karla Kelsey on Economy of the Unlost
Richard Greenfield and Douglas A. Martin on Men in the Off Hours
Andrea Rexilius on The Beauty of the Husband
J. Michael Martinez and Hannah Ensor on Wonderwater
Cole Swensen, Johanna Skibsrud, and Julie Carr on Decreation
Ander Monson and Eleni Sikelianos on Nox
Bianca Stone, Andrew Zawacki, and Vanessa Place on Antigonick
Lily Hoang on Red Doc>
Elizabeth Robinson and John Melillo on If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho
Kazim Ali and Erika L. Weiberg on Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides
Angela Hume on An Oresteia
Anne Carson interviewed by Peter Streckfus, on Decreation
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