The Force of What's Possible: Writers on Accessibility & The Avant-Garde
edited by Lily Hoang & Joshua Marie Wilkinson

Nightboat Books (Brooklyn, New York) | January 2015
Featuring almost 100 essays by poets and prose writers on issues of accessibility, audience, & the avant-garde.
Reviewed in Entropy & Full Stop
Conversations with the editors at Essay Daily & Porter Square Books Blog
Dan Beachy-Quick | As In the Green Trees |
Brian Blanchfield | Freely Espousing: or Subject, to the Avant-Garde |
Jaswinder Bolina | A View from the Factory Floor |
Amaranth Borsuk | Towards an Auto-Destructive Poetics |
Jenny Boully | Innerworkings, In Meadows |
Susan Briante | Towards a Poetics of the Dow |
Laynie Browne | Rendering the Invisible: A Translucent Imperative of Poetry |
Blake Butler | Mirror-Maze-Child-More |
Amina Cain | Slowness |
Mary Caponegro | Success in Circuit Lies (Redux) |
Julie Carr | In Defense of My Experience (Or, The Body and the Avant-Garde) |
Ken Chen | From The Excerpts: Poetics or or Politics |
Jeremy M. Davies | The Pleasure of Perversity |
Jeffrey DeShell | Notes Toward a Defense of Experimental Writing |
LaTasha Nevada Diggs | no te entiendo
Amber DiPietra, Jen Hofer, & Denise Leto | as rigorous as a mathematical demonstration, as surprising as
an ambush in the night, and as elevated as a star:
Some Thoughts on Access, Difficulty, Limestone, and Empire
Rikki Ducornet | Eros Breathing
Nicolle Elizabeth | Take The Story
Clayton Eshleman | Genesis and Praxis
Brian Evenson | The Crazy Party Guy, or, A Disruption of Smooth Surfaces
Johannes Göransson | IT’S STILL TOO MUCH: Conceptual Poetry, The Poetry Foundation,
The Plague Ground and the Anti-Kitsch Rhetoric of Contemporary Poetry Discussions
Noah Eli Gordon | Five Allegories to Turn the Fingers of the Right Hand into a Fist
Rachel Eliza Griffiths | Iambic Passage: How Identity and Access Trouble American Imaginations
Duriel Harris | “As Sound Creates Forms on Water”
Carla Harryman | Avant-Garde Unconscious
Yona Harvey | The Poetics of Self-Education
Lyn Hejinian | Sun on the Avant-Garde
Brent Hendricks | My Alternative Pop Song
Christopher Higgs | A Manifesto Needs Who?
Harmony Holiday | That’s the Way it’s Gonna Be
B.J. Hollars | Not Trash
Paul Hoover | The Question of the Avant-Garde
Gregory Howard | Always the Next Machine
Laird Hunt | Some Notes on the Tyrannical Prehension
Alta Ifland | I am My Own Status Quo
Jac Jemc | Notes on Trying to Say
Stephen Graham Jones | In Defense of Non-Mandates
Pierre Joris | 15 Non-Theses Towards an Un-Manifesto of Poetry Un-Randomly Culled from Recent Notebooks
Bhanu Kapil | Elemental Notes
Kevin Killian | “I Can’t See You Any More, Baby”: Accessibility, the Avant-Garde and My Flick Knife
Amy King | Gestural Poetics
Ann Lauterbach | In Praise of The Various
Hank Lazer | Why I Write and What’s at Stake
Sueyeun Juliette Lee | Actual, Real, and True
Juliana Leslie | Passive Voice
Stacey Levine | Writing Properly?
Timothy Liu | Why We Do That Thing That We Do
Robert Lopez | The Good Thing about Today is I Slept through Most of It, or the Illusion of Urgency
Sean Lovelace | Turnips
Jill Magi | “Nothing Is Wrong: Thirteen Thoughts on Poets and Poetry in the Year 2013”
Ravi Mangla | On the Merits of Moderation
Farid Matuk | Poems of the Near Mind
Mark McMorris | Where This Thing Is Going
Joyelle McSweeney | The Golden Age of Obliteration, or Staphylococcus aureus, or,
How the Artist Must be Accessible to Art
Miranda Mellis | Sub Traction
Megan Milks | Avant Slash Pop
Lydia Millet | Self Again
Kyle Minor | Once Upon a Time (or, The Trouble with Avant-Garde Ought-Nots)
Ander Monson | Another Project for the Heart
Laura Mullen | Accidental Cliques? (Or, uhm, which status quo I was supposed to defy, again?)
Kristine Ong Muslim | On Writing, Accessibility, and the Avant-Garde
Eileen Myles | Painted Clear, Painted Black
Alissa Nutting | Our Wrong Parts
Lance Olsen | a flash poetics of illegibility
Ted Pelton | Oscar vs. George
Craig Santos Perez | from Unincorporated Poetic Territories
Vanessa Place | Refusal: The Confession of a Real Pervert
Khadijah Queen | Navigating the Body, Revealing the Audience: On Sonic Integrity,
Contrast, Movement, and Endurance
Wendy Rawlings | Strange & Enormous & Terrible & Absurd
Elizabeth Robinson | Constellation and Dilemma
Joanna Ruocco | Living with Language: Our Body of Need
Aurelie Sheehan | Walk Through
David Shields | Negotiating against Myself
Anis Shivani | Empires of Consciousness
Cedar Sigo | Sensation
Eleni Sikelianos | What Pursuit
Carmen Gimenez Smith | Drone Poetics
Ken Sparling | A Bunch of People Paper Thin Their Butts of Mud
Cole Swensen | On the Brink of a Response
Briane Teare | My grandmother’s name was Lorine.
Roberto Tejada | Imperatives
Melanie Rae Thon | The Ethics of Perception
Lynne Tillman | Breaking What is Broken
TC Tolbert | Red, left. Light blue, right. Or, So many ways to say yes.
Steve Tomasula | I Only / Never I
Jackie Wang | We Epistolary Aliens
Kellie Wells | Fourteen Ways of Looking at Rat
Tyrone Williams | Reginald and Me
L. Lamar Wilson | Queer Black Avant-Garde Poetics: On Being Guilty of Excessive Darkness
in the First Degree
Ronaldo V. WIlson | Living Being: After the Avant-Garde
Timothy Yu | “You’re Not Avant-Garde, Are You?”
Lidia Yuknavitch | Why Do you Write it All Weird?
Andrew Zawacki | Encounter
Interview about the anthology on Essay Daily from January 2015
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